Our history

1918 Nov. Established with a capital of one million yen by a leader in the chemical and dyes trade.
1928 May Built a standard items warehouse and the metropolitan region's first large volume, hazardous materials storage warehouse in Odai-chou, Adachi ward. Also opened the Adachi Business Office specializing in chemical storage.
1951 Dec. Increased capital to 4 million yen.
1958 Oct. Increased capital to 16 million yen.
1962 Apr. Increased capital to 32 million yen.
1966 Feb. Established transport division and acquired license for land express forwarding business. Consolidated coherent system for doods distribution.
1966 Mar. Established Matsudo Business Office in Matsudo city, Chiba Prefecture.
1968 Dec. Established Asahi Transportation Co.,Ltd. to enlarge transport business.
1970 Sep. Established Kashiwa Business Office in Nagareyama City, Chiba Prefecture.
1973 Aug. Established Itabashi Distribution Center using the Itabashi Warehouse of the Tokyo Danchi Soko Co.,Ltd.
1976 Nov. Established Adachi Distribution Center using the Adachi Warehouse of the Tokyo Danchi Soko Co.,Ltd.B
1977 Nov. Established Asahi Distribution Service Co.,Ltd. for rationalizing operation of warehouse and loading business.
1982 Feb. Increased capital to 64 million yen.
1982 Aug. Established Kawasaki Business Office at Higashi-Ohgishima Overseas Trading Wharf in Kawasaki City.
1984 Apr. Commencement of real estate lending and leasing to expand business and to redevelop the Tsukishima Business Office.
1989 May Established Asahi Logistic Consultant Co.,Ltd. for the creation of the Distribution Information Network System.
1991 Apr. Commencement of Trunk Room business directed towards the general consumer.
1993 June Completion of second stage construction of Kawasaki Business Office.
1994 Dec. Commencement of damage and loss insurance agency business.
1998 Nov. 80 years passed since foundation.
2000 Nov. Dissolved Asahi Distribution Service Co.,Ltd..
2001 Feb. Dissolved Asahi Logistics Consulting Co.,Ltd..
2001 Apr. Redevelopment construction of Adachi Branch started.
2004 May New Adachi Branch (ASAHI RAINBOW SQUARE) completed.
2006 May Received certification JIS Q 15001 (the Japanese Privacy Mark System).
2007 Nov. Received certification ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems - Requirements).

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